ls - lists the contents of current directory ls -l - lists the contents of a directory with permissions information and timestamp ls directoryname - lists the contents of that directory cd - change directory. If you give it no arguments, it puts you back to your home, where you log in. cd .. - go up one directory. cd directoryname - go into a directory mkdir - make directory mkdir directoryname - make the new directory rm - remove rm filename - remove that file rm -i filename - a safe remove - it asks you to confirm that you want to remove the file mv - move mv filename1 filename2 - takes filename1 and renames it filename2. This is used to rename a file or move a file to a different directory cp - copy cp /cs/faculty/franklin/labfiles/prog1/solution/* . this copies all of the files in that solution directory to the current directory. man - prints the man page for a function man strcmp - this prints out the man page for strcmp, telling you what it does, what the input parameters are, what it returns, etc. cat - prints out a file to the screen cat Friend.h - prints out Friend.h without having to go into vim or emacs more - prints out a file to the screen, one screen at a time more Friend.cpp - prints out Friend.cpp one screen at a time. This is used for a really long file so that you can look at one screen. Press space bar to advance to the next screen. ./a.out | more The pipe '|' takes the output from your program and, instead of it displaying on your screen so quickly you can't read it, it prints it out one screen at a time. The pipe makes the output of ./a.out the input for more. This can be used to string together any two commands (or more). chmod - change permissions chmod 600 filename this makes the file readable and writable to only yourself. chmod 700 directory This makes the directory accessable to only yourself. You should make sure that your directory is not accessible to any other students.