László Babai's Summer 2016 Math REU page

Apprentice program: Linear Algebra and Combinatorics
(June 20 - July 22, weeks 1 - 5)


What is NEW?

Press your browser's "REFRESH" button to get the current version of this page.

The July 14 problem set has been posted. (Click; make sure to "refresh") NOTE: some problems not stated in class have been added, including HW due Monday.

The Friday, July 15 discussion problem sheet has been posted.

The July 13 problem set has been posted. (Click; make sure to "refresh")

The July 11 and July 12 problem sets have been posted. (Click; make sure to "refresh") Note that the July 11 problem set includes several problems due Wednesday or later this week.

Most of the July 7 problem set has been posted.

Incomplete preliminary textbook now available! (Click) Will be updated frequently.

The (expanded) July 5 problem set has been posted. (Click)

The June 30 problem set has been posted. (Click)

First week (June 20-24): Graph Theory      Instructor: Angela Wu

(Click above for course information, class notes, and exercises)

Instructor for June 27-28: Madhur Tulsiani     Email: (concatenation of mad and hurt) at ttic dot edu.

Instructor for June 29-July 22: László Babai

Course information

Instructor: László Babai
Office: Ry 164
Email: laci@cs.uwaukeegan.edu
(Oops! wrong town - to be eligible, you must guess the right one.
Oh, you are just a poor little bot? I am sooo sorry.)

Schedule: Every day 9:30 - 12:00, Ry-251.

Peter May's REU 2016 website.


Feel free to contact the instructor regarding the problems assigned. If you like solving simple but challenging problems, check out the instructor's REU problem sets for earlier years, inlcuding

Linear algebra and general math puzzle problems

Additional links:

My home page

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