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[back] Com Sci 221 Homeworks for the Current Quarter

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Last modified: Tue Mar 7 16:05:32 1995

General Instructions

Remember that all homework will be judged, not as mere evidence that you have written and executed certain programs, but as an insightful presentation of interesting ideas, using programs and their executions as part of the presentation.

In particular, the programming portions of assignments always ask for "procedures", rather than "programs." By "procedure," I mean a fragment of code that may be used repeatedly in different programming contexts to solve a given problem. In some programming languages, such procedures can stand alone. In others, they must be surrounded by additional code for input, output, and perhaps other tasks, in order to execute meaningfully. It is your responsibility to embed your procedures in sufficient additional code to allow you to run meaningful test cases, but also to make it clear what portion of your code is the "procedure" asked for in the problem, and what portion is supporting code.

It is also your responsibility to execute your procedures on sensible test cases that demonstrate the interesting qualities of the procedures. In all of the homeworks for this course, the number of test cases should be very small. Look for the 2 to 5 examples that illustrate the appropriate concepts clearly. The choice of examples may depend on the way you have written your procedures, as well as on the problem that you are solving. Strive for concise clarity, not volume or cuteness.

Winter 1995 Assignments

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