CS 115 -- Section 03, Fall 1999, Ridgway Scott

MWF 1:30, Ry 276
In the future, send homework via e-mail directed to Ilia Bisnovatyi at


IN THE SUBJECT FIELD, PUT "Ex n" where "n" is the number of the exercise in the mail message, e.g., Ex 1.17. (Put different exercises in different mail messages.) Please include your name, date, exercise number, etc. after a comment character (;) and put any other documentation after a comment character (;). That is, make sure that the entire message part of your e-mail is an executable Scheme code.

If you have questions for Ilia Bisnovatyi, send him e-mail at


with "CS115" in the "subject".

There will be two hour-long mini-course sessions (I & II) on using unix in general and our implementation of linux:

Thursday at 3:00 pm and Friday at 1:00 pm

They will be taught by Instructional Lab tutor Eugene Rabinovich, and held in the Linux Lab facility (formerly the Annex, Graphics lab, etc.)

  • Some frequently asked questions (and an answer for each!) A wealth of knowledge and support tools on SCHEME are available from the SCHEME repository at Indiana University.

    Other section instructors: