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Crerar 398-A

Studied mathematics and physics as an undergraduate at the University of Chicago, graduating with a degree in mathematics with honors in the College.  In the Honors Program at the University of Chicago in both mathematics and physics. Began study of probability theory, statistics, numerical linear algebra, and numerical analysis as a result of interest in physics.  Number theory was a mathematical interest.  Pursued graduate study at the University of Chicago and received a doctorate in logic from the University of Oslo, Norway, in 1997.  Expanded version of doctoral thesis published as a book in 2000 by Elsevier, in Studies in History and Philosophy of Mathematics series.  Was a member of a pioneering team that computerized editing, production, and publication of the Astrophysical Journal and the Astronomical Journal for the American Astronomical Society at the University of Chicago Press in the 1990s.

How well do you feel MPCS has kept up with the demands graduates face in the workplace? 

“The courses I teach in the MPCS all emphasize problem solving and help students improve their problem-solving skills.  Problem solving is important in the workplace, and in recent years many of our graduates have been hired at leading firms, in part on the strength of the problem-solving skills acquired in their MPCS courses.”

What do you see as the most important advantage of receiving a master’s degree from the University of Chicago MPCS?   

“Graduates of the MPCS are perceived to be intelligent, creative, and able to learn new subjects quickly.  The University of Chicago’s superb academic reputation carries over to the MPCS.”


Ph.D. thesis published as book, From Peirce to Skolem, in 2000.
Several writings in mathematical and categorical logic.


  • Ph.D. University of Oslo, Norway, Mathematical Logic.
  • M.A.  University of Chicago, Mathematical Logic.
  • B.A.  University of Chicago with honors in Mathematics.

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MPCS Announces 4 New Appointments

Feb 03, 2017
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Computer Science TA Prize Recipients Announced

Jun 17, 2016
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